On the Journey: Sharing Christ, Growing Together
Our mission is rooted in God’s mission and calls: 1) the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations, 2) the Great Commandment of loving God and our neighbor, and 3) the vision of the church in Ephesians 4:1-16.
Our Logo
- Path— Life is a spiritual journey where we bring others to Jesus while we continue in a lifelong journey of knowing and following God.
- Cross— Life is transformed at the cross through embracing Jesus’s work in his life, death, and resurrection.
- Smaller Crosses— Growing in following Jesus ourselves and helping one another in that (making disciples).
- Sunrise— New life in Christ.
On the Journey: Sharing Christ, Growing Together
We are a church actively On the Journey of God’s mission and purposes in Sharing Christ with others while also Growing Together both in together growing with Christ as well as in love and unity with one another.
Our logo captures how everyone is on a spiritual journey. Whether a Christian (or Christ-follower), our mission and hope is that all will have encounters with Jesus Christ.
Jesus said he came that we may have a “life to the full.” So our vision is to see people’s lives transformed toward the image of Christ, experiencing the flourishing life that Jesus brings.
If you are not yet a follower of Christ, please join us on the journey! We aren’t a perfect people, which is why we come to Jesus. Our hope is for you to experience God’s love and plans that result in what Jesus described as a “life to the full.” And we will walk with you on that journey.
If you have decided to follow Jesus, you are on a lifetime journey to that “life to the full” where God shapes you into the image of Christ that God uniquely has for you. We’d love to continue on that adventure with you!
In seeking to know God we believe these “5G’s” are “trail markers” for the spiritual journey.
- Grace: Surrendering Yourself to God’s Grace— You have probably experienced that the world (and people!) is not what it is supposed to be. The Bible refers to this experience of evil, wrongs, and brokenness as sin. But, from love, God meets us on the journey and offers us a gift, a “grace”, we do not deserve or could even earn on our own, which is Jesus dying for those wrongs, pains, and sins.
- If you are not a Christ-follower, the first step is to trust in Jesus by putting your faith in him and what he has done. This changes our hearts for eternity – and begins a change that affects today!
- If you are a Christ-follower, you seek to live as an adopted child of God, with an identity in Christ, not defined by the world. So we live with this undeserved gift (grace) engaging it through the other G’s.
- Gathering in Worship— There is something special about coming together. Our Sunday gatherings are important. We, the church (which is the people who follow Christ), enjoy worship of God and this day has a lot of love and serving of one another. We don’t want you to miss this special time!
- Growing Toward Maturity— Where God helps us by His Holy Spirit to be shaped in holiness and wholeness toward the likeness of Christ. This comes through various levels of experience such as individual, small group, and our larger worship gatherings.
- Giving of Ourselves in Time, Talents, and Treasure— in our church family by caring, serving, giving of our tithes and offerings, and mentoring others.
- Going & BLESS-ing Our Neighbors and World— in being His servants with our hands and feet to those around us while sharing the message of God’s love and hope in Jesus Christ.
Why these 5 G’s?
- Grace: Surrendering Yourself to God’s Grace— Because there is a God who loves and wants us to know Him and be known by Him. He welcomes us into relationship with Himself.
- Gathering in Worship— Because there is a God-shaped hole in each of us, we gather together to have that filled in loving God and being loved by God.
- Growing Toward Maturity— Because we experience renewed life when we are transformed by the Holy Spirit and growing in maturity, shaped toward Christ’s image.
- Giving of Ourselves in Time, Talents, and Treasure— Because of what we have received from God, we give and serve others.
- Going & BLESS-ing Our Neighbors and World— Because we are part of a hurting and broken world that God loves, we are called to serve in love beyond ourselves by being Christ’s mouth, hands, and feet.
We are a part of a wider church family called the Evangelical Covenant Church.
We affirm:
- The centrality of the word of God.
- The necessity of the new birth.
- The whole mission of the church.
- The church as a fellowship of believers.
- A conscious dependence on the Holy Spirit.
- The reality of freedom in Christ.
Learn more about them here.
We are and strive to be:
- Authentic: Being real about what where we are now, looking to the wholeness that only comes from God.
- Passionate: Growing in relationship with Christ and being a loving caring community.
- Relevant: Connect to the changing culture around us, while being faithful to God’s Word.
- Generous: Give abundantly from the resources God has given us (time, talent, and treasure).
- Intergenerational: Weaving the generations together which brings glory to God.
These “Healthy Missional Markers” (identified by the Covenant’s Congregational Vitality pathway) are further trail markers for us to serve God together:
- Centrality of the Word of God
- Compelling Christian Community
- Culture of Godly Leadership
- Fruitful Organizational Structures
- Global Perspective & Engagement
- Heartfelt Worship
- Intentional Evangelism
- Life Transforming Walk with Jesus
- Sacrificial & Generous Living & Giving
- Transforming Communities through Compassion, Mercy, & Justice